For such allegations of corruption and the cabinet acted in defiance of the decision, Gujarat State Fish Resources Minister puru ÷ sattam Solanki continue to sue, the state governor has given permission by Kamala Beni. State Chief Minister Narendra Modi this, Considered to be a major setback. Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi government-LED, the Fish-Man Resources Minister Purushottam Solanki. He gave contracts for catching fish in 2009. The contract, per year, was presented at a level of 2.4 billion rupees. But, if the contract by tender, to gain 44 million, estimated. Thus, less than 10 in fees per Year, By awarding contracts to Fishing, the State government, the accused caused the loss of 400 billion rupees.
Letter Filed By: Order to Pay for permission to sue enakkori was He, who maratiya, Filed in Gujarat High Court. But, as the minister can not give permission to proceed with a case against Solanki, Chief Minister Narendra Modi-led cabinet has decided. Thus, in this case must take the Final Decision as governor, the Supreme court ordered a second Date. In this case, the case continued maratiya, Jayant Patel and Sony yesterday, which consists of judges, before the High court bench, while at trial , which have been approved to pursue the puru Look Toolbar Solanki's letter was a case against the governor Filed. Dismissed the petition: following the filing of the approval letter to the governor, maratiya Judge dismisses the petition. Pursue a case against Solanki, approval By the Governor, maratiya, or the appropriate court policilo Now, He Can lodge a complaint against.
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