Shiv Sena leader, the late, Bal Thackeray, Mumbai, Shivaji Park, a memorial to the state's ruling Congress government did not agree then, that the Shiv Sena capture,'' said Shiv Sena senior leader, Congress, former Speaker, Manohar Joshi warned. One of the leaders of the state as the main itammakarastira, capital of Mumbai, and has strong political power, Shiv Sena chief, Bal Thackeray, the, 17, died. His body, Mumbai, was cremated at Shivaji Park. The place is near, is the headquarters of the Shiv Sena party. On the grounds that, since Paul is speaking Thackeray, Shivaji Park, civacenavinar is the main location. "Bal Thackeray at Shivaji Park, a memorial set up to allow that, the state government,
Shiv Sena has asked. However, Maharashtra ruling, Congress - Nationalist Congress Party coalition government," others want to do, do it, 'he said, Shivaji Park, Thackeray memorial set , has not made any promise. therefore, angered senior Shiv Sena leader and former Lok Sabha Speaker, Manohar Joshi, action declared. "" At Shivaji Park.