Oct 11, 2012

Couple arrested for fraud committed by modern Bangalore

A black-rupee note into the papers, claiming fraudulent attempt to couple Bangalore, Coimbatore police caught him. From them, chemical powder, black pepper, cut in the form of notes were confiscated. Muralitharan of Bangalore, Karnataka State, 27. His wife, Revathi, 22. Both in Coimbatore, stayed in the hotel. They, like notes, "Cutting the black colored papers were ge ge."

These papers, soaked in water mixed with chemicals if taken, will be 1,000 notes' that, were involved in an attempt to cheat. Who took money to come back, indulge in a planned fraud. Information about Coimbatore central criminal police, two men were arrested. He had the chemistry, cut in the form of notes of black papers were confiscated. In the context of fraud, police have interrogated captured couple.

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